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SEO optimalisation

schema markup

Schema markup for enhanced visibility

schema markup

Schema markup

In the vast digital landscape, where millions of websites compete for users attention standing out in search engine resultts has become a strategic imperative. Amidst evolving search algorithms and user expectatiobs, schema markup emerges as a powerful tool for enhancing your website’s visibility and resonance. In this comprehensive guide we will delve into the world of schema markup, understand its significance, explore its types,and uncover strategies for leveraging it to optimize your website’s presence in search results.

Understanding Schema markup – Unveiling enhanced search results

Schema markup, also known as structured data markup is a form of microdata that you can add to your website’s HTML. This markup provides context to search engines about the content on your page, enabling them to display richer and more informative search results, often referred to as rich snippets or enhanced search results.

The significance of Schema Markup

Schema markup offers a multitude of benefits that contribute to a more compelling and engaging search experience:

Enhanced visibility

Rich snippets attract users attention by providing more information directly in search results. This increased visibility can lead to higher click through rates.

Improved user experience

Rich snippets offer users a preview of the content they will find on your page, reducing the likelihood of clicks that don’t align with their intent.

Contextual clarity

Schema markup provides context to search engines about the nature of your content, helping them understand your website’s relevance to specific queries.

Credibility and authority

Enhanced search results featuring star ratings, reviews and other schema types can establish your website’s credibility and authority in its field.

Common Schema types and their impact

Review schema

If your website features products, services or content that can be reviewed, implementing review schema allows star ratings and review counts to appear in search results. This provides users with social proof and influences click through rates.

FAQ Schema

Implementing FAQ Schema allows frequently asked questions and answers to be displayed directly in search results. This can lead to higher engagement and reduces the need for users to click through for answers.

Event Schema

For websites hosting events, event schema provides essential details such as date, time, location and ticket availability in search results. This encourages users to engage with your events directly from search.

Recipe Schema

Websites featuring recipes can benefit from recipe schema, which displays key information such as ingredients, cooking time, and ratings in search results. This can attract users seeking specific recipes.

Leveraging Schema Markup – Effective strategies

Identify relevant schema types

Analyze your content to identify the most relevant schema types that align with your offerings. This could include products, services, articles, local businesses and more.

Structured data testing tools

Use tools like Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool or Schema Markup Validator to test your schema markup and ensure it’s correctly implemented.

Implementation methods

Schema markup can be added directly to your HTML or through JSON-LD, what’s recommended due to its ease of implementation and compatibility.

Quality content

Rich snippets enhance the presentation of your content, but the quality of your content remains paramount. Ensure that your content is valuable, informative and relevant to users needs.

Keep up with changes

Stay informed about schema mark up updates and changes to ensure that your mark up remains accurate and effective.

Elevating your search presence with Schema Markup – Conclusion

In the ever evolving landscape of digital marketing, schema markup emerges as a potent tool for enhancing your websites visibility and user experience. By providing context and structure to your content, schema mark up transforms search results into informative and engaging previews of what your website offers. As you integrate schema markup into your content strategy, remember that the goal is not only to rank higher but to captivate users attention, address their needs and establish your website as a credible and valuable resource. In this symbolic relationship between structured data and enhanced search results, your websites digital presence flourishes, forging a connection that resonates with both search engines and users.

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International SEO. SEO on a globe

Unveiling the power of International SEO

International SEO. SEO on a globe

International SEO – Introduction

In the vast realm of the digital landscape, where borders blur and connections transcend geographical boundaries, businesses are faced with the challenge of reaching audiences across the globe. Imagine a world where your products or services could effortlessly resonate with customers on different continents, expanding your brand’s footprint far beyond local borders. This is where the magic of International SEO comes into play – a dynamic strategy that unlocks the potential for global digital dominance.

Once upon a time, businesses focused primarily on local SEO, ensuring visibility within their immediate vicinity. However, as the internet evolved and markets became increasingly interconnected, the need for a more expansive approach became evident. In this blog post, we embark on a journey through the intricate world of International SEO, exploring its significance, strategies, and the compelling data that underscores its effectiveness.

Understanding the global landscape

To comprehend the importance of International SEO, let’s first delve into the global online ecosystem. According to the latest data from Statista [source: https://www.statista.com/statistics/617136/digital-population-worldwide/], over 4.9 billion people are active internet users, constituting more than 60% of the world’s population. This massive online audience presents an unprecedented opportunity for businesses willing to venture beyond their local markets.

The internet has enabled seamless communication and commerce on an international scale. Whether you operate a local bakery or an e-commerce giant, tapping into the global market can significantly boost your brand’s growth and revenue. However, the key lies in making your digital presence felt amidst the noise, and that’s where International SEO emerges as a game-changer.

The power of localization

Localization is at the heart of successful International SEO. Google’s search algorithms increasingly prioritize localized content to deliver relevant results to users worldwide. This is substantiated by a survey conducted by Common Sense Advisory [source: https://www.commonsenseadvisory.com/], revealing that 75% of consumers prefer to buy products in their native language. Furthermore, a study by CSA Research [source: https://csa-research.com/] found that 56% of consumers are more likely to make a purchase if the information is available in their native language.

These statistics underline the critical role of language and cultural relevance in international digital marketing. Effective localization involves adapting not just the language but also the content, imagery, and even the user experience to resonate with the target audience. In doing so, businesses can create a connection that transcends borders and resonates with diverse consumer preferences.

Technical foundations: Hreflang tags and International SEO best practices

Navigating the intricate web of International SEO requires a solid technical foundation. Hreflang tags, a crucial component in this realm, signal to search engines the language and regional targeting of your content. When implemented correctly, hreflang tags ensure that users are directed to the most relevant version of your website based on their location and language preferences.

According to a study by Moz [source: https://moz.com/], sites with proper hreflang implementation saw a 33% increase in search visibility. This data underscores the significance of technical accuracy in international SEO efforts. To maximize the impact of hreflang tags, businesses should conduct thorough keyword research for each target market, optimizing content accordingly.

In addition to hreflang tags, other international SEO best practices include creating country-specific sitemaps, using geotargeting in Google Search Console, and employing server location strategically. These technical nuances may seem daunting, but the rewards in terms of global visibility and organic traffic are well worth the investment.

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, data serves as a compass, guiding businesses towards informed decision-making. Google Analytics, SEMrush, and other analytics tools offer valuable insights into user behavior, search patterns, and the effectiveness of international SEO strategies.

Let’s examine the impact of international SEO on website traffic using real-world data. According to a case study by Ahrefs [source: https://ahrefs.com/], a website’s organic traffic increased by 88% within six months of implementing a comprehensive international SEO strategy. This remarkable growth emphasizes the tangible outcomes that businesses can achieve by strategically expanding their online presence.

Overcoming challenges – The global SEO landscape

While the benefits of international SEO are clear, challenges inevitably arise on the path to global digital dominance. A study by Search Engine Journal [source: https://www.searchenginejournal.com/] highlighted that 65% of businesses encounter difficulties in managing multiple language versions of their website. Moreover, 47% struggle with coordinating global content creation and localization efforts.

These challenges underscore the importance of a well-defined international SEO strategy, backed by robust tools and processes. Content management systems with built-in multilingual capabilities, collaborative workflow platforms, and effective project management are essential elements in overcoming these hurdles.

The future of International SEO

As we conclude our exploration of international SEO, it’s crucial to envision the future landscape of global digital marketing. The rise of voice search, artificial intelligence, and evolving search engine algorithms will undoubtedly shape the way businesses approach international SEO.

Voice search, in particular, is gaining prominence, with Comscore [source: https://www.comscore.com/] predicting that 50% of all searches will be voice-based by 2024. This shift emphasizes the need for businesses to optimize their content for conversational queries and regional language nuances, further highlighting the dynamic nature of international SEO.

In this ever-evolving digital era, the ability to adapt and embrace new technologies will be key to maintaining a competitive edge on the global stage. As businesses continue to harness the power of international SEO, the journey towards global digital dominance becomes an ongoing saga of innovation and strategic evolution.

International SEO – Conclusion

International SEO is not merely a SEO strategy; it’s a transformative journey that opens doors to untapped markets, diverse audiences, and unparalleled growth. Through the lens of data, statistics, and real-world case studies, we’ve navigated the intricate landscape of global digital marketing.

As businesses strive to connect with audiences worldwide, the importance of language localization, technical precision, and data-driven decision-making cannot be overstated. By adopting a holistic approach to international SEO, businesses can position themselves as global leaders, transcending borders and unlocking the full potential of the interconnected digital world. So, embark on this global odyssey, and let your brand’s digital presence resonate across continents, leaving an indelible mark on the vast canvas of the internet.


The author of this blog post is Herman Geertsema. Herman is the owner of Connect your World, a digital agency in Den Haag. He is an experienced content marketeer and SEO specialist from Den Haag.

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What is technical SEO?

Technische SEO, SEO specialist Den Haag

Technical SEO – Introduction

Have you ever wondered how to make your website more discoverable to search engines? If so, you’re in the right place. In this blog, we delve deep into the world of technical SEO. Now you might be wondering, what is technical SEO? Well, technical SEO is all about optimizing your website so that search engines like Google can better understand and index it. And believe me, if you do this well, you’ll reap the rewards. But technical SEO is more than just a few tricks. It’s an essential part of your SEO strategy that helps improve your website’s performance. The good news is, it’s not as complicated as it sounds. With a bit of help and guidance, you can optimize and enhance your website in ways you never thought possible.

What is technical SEO?

So, are you ready to take your website to the next level? Let’s start by exploring the world of technical SEO. From understanding the importance of a solid website structure to learning about Google’s mobile-first indexing, clean URLs, duplicate content, website security, images, meta-titles and descriptions, structured data, redirects, and XML sitemaps. What is technical SEO?

What is technical SEO?

Technical SEO, in the simplest terms, is the art of optimizing your website for search engine crawlers. It’s a bit like lubricating the wheels of your car to make it run smoothly. It’s all about improving the technical aspects of your website, such as performance, structure, and speed, to enhance your website’s ranking in search engines.

Crawling and indexing

You can think of it as the backbone of your website. Without a strong technical foundation, no matter how amazing your content is, search engines will struggle to find and index your website. It’s about ensuring that search engines can easily understand, crawl, and index your website. But it’s not only important for search engines. Good technical SEO also ensures a better user experience. Think faster load times, a website that looks good on mobile devices, and easy navigation. In short, technical SEO makes your website more appealing to both search engines and visitors. And that’s a win-win situation, isn’t it?

Content is king, but ….

The importance of technical SEO Okay, let’s first talk about why technical SEO is so important. You’ve probably heard that content is king, right? Well, that’s certainly true, but without a solid technical foundation, your king won’t go anywhere. You can have the most amazing, engaging, and valuable content, but if search engines can’t find and index your website, no one will ever see that content. And this is where technical SEO comes into play. It helps make your website more accessible, understandable, and friendly to search engines. It ensures that search engine robots can easily crawl and index your website. And if your website is easy to crawl, the chances of ranking higher in search results are greater.

User experience

But technical SEO is not just about search engines. It’s also about your visitors. A website that loads quickly, is easy to navigate, and looks good on all devices provides a much better user experience. And a good user experience can lead to higher conversion rates, more engagement, and more loyalty from your visitors. So, whether you’re a blogger, a small business owner, or an SEO professional, ignoring technical SEO is not an option. It’s an essential part of your SEO strategy and can have a significant impact on your online success.

Technical SEO, Technische SEO

Website structure

The importance of a good website structure A good website structure is crucial when it comes to technical SEO. It’s like building a house – you need a solid foundation to build upon. A well-structured website helps search engines understand and index your site. And that’s exactly what you want, right? Search engines love websites that are logical and easy to navigate. They appreciate clarity. If your website has a clear hierarchy and navigation, search engines can more easily understand what your website is about. And if they understand that, they can index your website better.

But it’s not just about search engines. A good website structure is also important for your visitors. People love websites that are easy to navigate. They want to find what they’re looking for quickly and easily. And if they can do that, they’re more likely to stay on your website longer, view more pages, and ultimately take action, such as making a purchase or signing up for your newsletter.

Create a good website structure

So, how do you create a good website structure? Start by mapping out your content. Determine which pages are the most important and ensure they are easily accessible from your homepage. Use clear and descriptive URLs, titles, and meta descriptions. And don’t forget to use internal links to connect your content. In short, a good website structure is essential for both search engines and your visitors. It can help you rank higher in search results and improve the user experience on your website. And that’s exactly what you want, right?


Indexing your website When we talk about technical SEO, we can’t overlook indexing. Indexing is the process where search engines like Google crawl your website and store the information in their index. Sounds pretty technical, right? But don’t worry, it’s not as complicated as it sounds. In essence, when Google indexes your website, it looks at various elements such as the page title, meta description, page content, and links on the page. All this information is then stored in the Google index. When someone enters a search query in Google, it searches its index for relevant pages and displays them in the search results. So, how do you ensure your website gets indexed? Firstly, make sure your website is public and that search engines can crawl it. You can check this in your robots.txt file. Secondly, ensure a clear and logical website structure. This makes it easier for search engines to crawl and understand your website.

Technische SEO, Technical SEO, SEO bureau Den Haag

XML Sitemap

Finally, don’t forget to create an XML sitemap and submit it to Google via Google Search Console. An XML sitemap is like a blueprint of your website that helps search engines crawl your website more efficiently. In short, indexing is a crucial part of technical SEO and can have a significant impact on your visibility in search engines.

Mobile first indexing

Google Mobile-first indexing You know what’s funny? Nowadays, more people use their mobile devices to browse the internet than their desktops. And Google has noticed this. That’s why they introduced something called ‘mobile-first indexing.’ What does this mean? Well, in the past, Google would index your desktop website first. But now, that has changed. Google now indexes your mobile website first. This means that the mobile version of your website is the starting point for what Google includes in its index and forms the basis for how it ranks your site. So, what does this mean for you and your technical SEO? It means that if your website is not mobile-friendly, you could be in trouble. You need to ensure that your website looks good and functions well on mobile devices. This includes things like having a responsive design, ensuring fast load times, and having easily readable text and clickable links on mobile devices.

Mobile friendly test tool

But don’t worry, Google has a handy tool called the ‘Mobile-Friendly Test’ that allows you to check if your website is mobile-friendly. And if it’s not, it even gives you suggestions on how to improve it. So, if you haven’t checked if your website is mobile-friendly yet, I’d say do it now! It’s a crucial part of technical SEO and can have a significant impact on your ranking in search engines.

Clear URLS

Clean URLs When we talk about technical SEO, clean URLs are a big deal. But what exactly are clean URLs? Well, they are exactly what they sound like – URLs that are clean, simple, and easy to understand. Clean URLs are not only beneficial for search engines but also for your visitors. Let’s break it down. A clean URL looks like this: https://www.connectyourworld.com/category/page-name And a not-so-clean URL looks like this: https://www.connectyourworld.com/?p=123 See the difference? Clean URLs are not only more readable but also more user-friendly. They give your visitors a better idea of what the page is about, and they can easily remember and share them.

A clear URL is positive for your search engine ranking

But it’s not just about visitors. Search engines also love clean URLs. They use them to understand the structure of your website and the content on each page. A clean URL that includes relevant keywords can even have a positive impact on your search engine ranking. So, how do you create clean URLs? Keep them short, simple, and descriptive. Include relevant keywords, but don’t overdo it. Use hyphens to separate words, and avoid using special characters. And don’t forget to update your old URLs if they are not so clean. In short, clean URLs are a simple but effective way to improve your technical SEO and make your website more user-friendly.

Duplicated content

Duplicate content Duplicate content is a big no-no in the world of SEO. But what exactly is duplicate content, and why is it bad for your website? Duplicate content refers to identical or very similar content that appears on more than one URL. This can happen for various reasons, such as having the same content on different pages of your website or using the same content on multiple websites. So, why is duplicate content bad? Well, search engines don’t like it. When they encounter duplicate content, they struggle to determine which version to include in their index. This can lead to confusion, and search engines may not rank any of the versions as high as they would if there was only one unique version.

Canonical tags

But don’t worry, there are ways to deal with duplicate content. Firstly, use canonical tags to indicate the preferred version of a page. A canonical tag is a snippet of HTML code that tells search engines which version of a page is the authoritative one. Secondly, use 301 redirects to redirect traffic from duplicate pages to the preferred version. This ensures that visitors and search engines are directed to the right page.

Final conclusions duplicated content

Finally, avoid using duplicate content across different websites. If you have multiple websites with the same content, search engines may see this as an attempt to manipulate rankings, and your websites may be penalized. In short, duplicate content is not something you want on your website. It can harm your search engine ranking and confuse both search engines and visitors. So, make sure to address any duplicate content issues on your website to improve your technical SEO.

Website security

Website security Website security is not just important for protecting your website and data; it’s also crucial for SEO. Google takes website security seriously and considers it as a ranking factor. So, if your website is not secure, it may not rank as high in search results. But what exactly does website security entail?

SSL certificate

Firstly, it means having an SSL certificate. An SSL certificate encrypts the connection between your website and your visitors, ensuring that any data exchanged is secure. You can recognize a website with an SSL certificate by the ‘https’ in the URL, as opposed to ‘http’ for non-secure websites. Google has been encouraging website owners to switch to HTTPS for years, and websites without SSL certificates may even show a ‘Not Secure’ warning in the browser.

Keep WordPress or other software up-to-date

Secondly, keep your website software up to date. This includes your content management system (CMS), plugins, themes, and any other software you use. Outdated software can have vulnerabilities that hackers can exploit. Regular updates help close these vulnerabilities and keep your website secure. Thirdly, use strong passwords and implement two-factor authentication if possible. Weak passwords are an open invitation for hackers. Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security by requiring a second form of verification, such as a code sent to your mobile device.

Website backup

Finally, regularly backup your website. In case of a security breach or any other issues, having a recent backup ensures that you can quickly restore your website to a functioning state. In summary, website security is not only important for protecting your website and data but also for SEO. Google considers secure websites as more trustworthy and may reward them with higher rankings. So, make sure to invest in website security to improve your technical SEO.


Optimizing images for SEO Images are an integral part of many websites, and optimizing them for SEO is a key aspect of technical SEO. Why is it important? Well, search engines can’t “see” images in the way humans do. They rely on various factors to understand and index images. So, optimizing your images helps search engines understand the content and context of the images on your website.

Here are some tips for optimizing images for SEO:

  1. File Size and Format: Compress images to reduce file size without compromising quality. Use the appropriate image format – JPEG for photographs and PNG for images with transparency.
  2. Descriptive Filenames: Use descriptive filenames for your images. Instead of a generic filename like “IMG123.jpg,” use a descriptive one like “red-rose-bouquet.jpg.”
  3. Alt Text: Always include alt text for your images. Alt text provides a text description of the image, and it’s crucial for accessibility. Use descriptive and relevant alt text that conveys the content and context of the image.
  4. Image Sitemap: Include images in your XML sitemap. This helps search engines discover and index your images more efficiently.
  5. Responsive Images: Ensure that your images are responsive and adapt to different screen sizes. This is crucial for a good user experience, especially on mobile devices.
  6. Lazy Loading: Implement lazy loading for your images. Lazy loading means that images are loaded only when they come into the user’s viewport, reducing initial page load times.
  7. Image Captions: If applicable, use captions for your images. Captions provide additional context and can be valuable for both users and search engines.

By following these image optimization practices, you not only improve your website’s technical SEO but also enhance the overall user experience.

Meta titles and descriptions

Crafting compelling meta-titles and descriptions Meta-titles and meta-descriptions are essential elements of on-page SEO and play a crucial role in technical SEO. They are the snippets that appear in search engine results and give users a brief preview of what a page is about. Crafting compelling meta-titles and descriptions can significantly impact click-through rates and overall SEO performance.

Here are some tips for creating effective meta-titles and descriptions:

  1. Relevance: Ensure that your meta-titles and descriptions accurately reflect the content of the page. Misleading or irrelevant meta-information can lead to a poor user experience.
  2. Keyword Inclusion: Include relevant keywords in your meta-titles and descriptions. This helps search engines understand the topic of your page and can improve your ranking for relevant queries.
  3. Character Limits: Pay attention to character limits for meta-titles and descriptions. While there’s no strict limit, it’s advisable to keep meta-titles under 60 characters and meta-descriptions under 160 characters to ensure they display properly in search results.
  4. Uniqueness: Each page on your website should have a unique meta-title and description. This differentiation helps both users and search engines understand the distinct content of each page.
  5. Call-to-Action (CTA): Consider adding a compelling call-to-action.

Structured Data

Structured data, also known as schema markup, is a powerful tool in the realm of technical SEO. It is a way to organize and label information on your website in a manner that search engines can comprehend. With structured data, you can convey to search engines not just what the content on your page says but also what it means. This can significantly impact your SEO performance. But how does it work exactly? Well, structured data is essentially a piece of code that you add to your website. This code provides search engines with detailed information about the content on your page. For instance, if you have a recipe website, you can use structured data to inform search engines about the ingredients, cooking time, and reviews of your recipes.

The beauty of structured data is that it can help you attain rich results in search engines. These are enhanced results that display more information than the standard blue links. They can include images, reviews, prices, and much more. This can lead to increased visibility, more clicks, and ultimately more traffic to your website. So, if you’re not using structured data on your website yet, I would say, start now! It might be a bit technical and complex, but there are plenty of tools and guides available to assist you. And the benefits are certainly worth it!


Redirects, also known as redirections, are a crucial component of technical SEO. They are employed when a page on your website no longer exists or has been moved to a new location. Instead of displaying a 404 error, which can result in a poor user experience, you redirect the visitor to another relevant page.

There are various types of redirects, but the most common ones are 301 and 302 redirects. A 301 redirect is used when a page has been permanently moved to a new location. It informs search engines that the old page no longer exists and that they should index the new page. On the other hand, a 302 redirect is used when a page has been temporarily moved. It tells search engines that the move is only temporary, and they should continue indexing the old page.

Properly utilizing redirects is essential for maintaining your SEO performance. If a page moves, and you don’t set up a redirect, the links to that page may lose their value, leading to a drop in your website’s ranking in search engines. Therefore, it’s crucial to always set up a redirect when you move or remove a page. However, be cautious: excessive use of redirects can slow down your website and be confusing for search engines. Therefore, strive to keep your website structure as stable as possible and use redirects only when absolutely necessary.

XML Sitemap

If you’ve ever used a map of an amusement park or a shopping mall, you know how handy it can be to know where everything is. Well, an XML sitemap does the same thing, but for your website. It’s essentially a map of your website that helps search engines navigate your site more efficiently.

An XML sitemap contains a list of all the pages on your website that you want search engines to index. It can also include additional information, such as how often your pages are updated and how important they are relative to other pages on your site. This can help search engines determine which pages to crawl and index first. Creating and submitting an XML sitemap is relatively easy, with plenty of tools and plugins available to automate the process. Once you’ve created an XML sitemap, you can submit it to search engines like Google through their webmaster tools.

Having an XML sitemap is especially useful if you have a large website with many pages or if your website is new and doesn’t have many external links yet. But even if you have a smaller website, an XML sitemap can still be beneficial. It’s a simple way to ensure that search engines can find and index all your important pages.

Technical SEO – Conclusion

And there you have it! We’ve delved into the world of technical SEO and discovered how crucial it is for your website. From the importance of a solid website structure, indexing, mobile-friendliness, clean URLs, avoiding duplicate content, keeping your website secure, to optimizing your images, meta-titles, and descriptions.

We’ve also discussed the significance of structured data, the proper use of redirects, and the necessity of having an XML sitemap. Each of these aspects plays a critical role in improving your website’s performance, increasing visibility in search engines, and providing a better user experience for your visitors. Technical SEO might seem a bit overwhelming at first, but with some practice and patience, you can master it. And believe me, the results are worth it. So, what are you waiting for? It’s time to roll up your sleeves and get started with technical SEO. Good luck! Furthermore you will find information about our SEO services.

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Does CHAT GPT kill SEO optimalisation?



No, Chat GPT does not kill SEO optimization. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) involves various strategies and techniques aimed at improving a website’s visibility and ranking in search engine results. While Chat GPT can generate text and provide information, it does not directly impact SEO practices.

CHAT GPT assists SEO

In fact, Chat GPT can be used as a tool to assist with SEO optimization. For example, you can use it to generate content ideas, write engaging blog posts, or create meta descriptions that align with SEO best practices. Additionally, Chat GPT can help answer user queries and provide relevant information, which can contribute to a positive user experience and potentially improve SEO rankings.

Are there any risks using CHAT GPT for SEO optimalisation?

Using Chat GPT for SEO optimization may involve certain risks and considerations. While Chat GPT can provide assistance and generate content, it’s important to remember that it’s an AI language model and not an expert in SEO or a substitute for human expertise.

Here are some potential risks for SEO:

Content quality and uniqueness:

Chat GPT generates text based on patterns and examples from its training data. It may produce content that lacks originality or fails to meet SEO requirements for uniqueness. Duplicate or low-quality content can harm your SEO efforts.

Over-optimization and keyword stuffing:

Overusing specific keywords in an attempt to improve search engine rankings can lead to keyword stuffing. Search engines penalize such practices, and it can negatively impact your website’s visibility.

Lack of strategic intent:

While Chat GPT can generate content, it may not understand the strategic intent behind your SEO efforts or align with your overall marketing goals. It might produce content that doesn’t support your SEO strategy or fail to address specific user queries.

Misleading or inaccurate information:

Chat GPT might generate responses that are factually incorrect or misleading, which can negatively affect your credibility and user experience. It’s crucial to carefully review and fact-check any information generated by the model.

To mitigate these risks, consider the following steps:

Use Chat GPT as a tool:

Treat Chat GPT as an assistant that can provide suggestions and ideas, but always review and refine the generated content to align with your SEO goals and requirements.

Incorporate human expertise:

Combine the capabilities of Chat GPT with human expertise in SEO to ensure content quality, relevance, and adherence to best practices.

Leverage ChatGPT for brainstorming:

Utilize ChatGPT to generate ideas, titles, or outlines that can help you plan and structure your content. However, always tailor and refine the generated content to match your target audience’s needs.

Review and optimize generated content:

Thoroughly review and edit the content produced by ChatGPT to ensure it aligns with your SEO strategy, maintains high quality, and provides value to your users. Remember that using AI models for SEO optimization is just one aspect of a comprehensive strategy. It’s essential to combine it with other SEO techniques, such as keyword research, user intent analysis, and website optimization, to achieve optimal results.

SEO specialist Den Haag

Herman Geertsema is the owner and SEO specialist of Connect your World a online marketing bureau in Den Haag. He is an experienced SEO expert and content marketeer. The last couple of years he helped several companies in Den Haag, Amsterdam en Rotterdam with great succes. Do you have any questions about CHAT GPT and our SEO services? Use the button below.

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This isn’t always about mathematics, reports, studies and figures, however you may attempt to create your message heard and felt at a 6 word headline and in a 9 word headline. The major idea would be keep it succint, don’t use a lot of words in the event that you are able to say exactly the identical thing in fewer words.

Relevant and meaningful headlines

At any time you generate a bit of content, and then the ultimate purpose is to convince the reader to choose an action. And the quickest way to make them do this is by writing bits that are useful and meaningful for your viewers. Meaningfulness starts with the name and the initial touchpoint that answers the user’s question. Can this material bit be helpful for me? Utilizing your headline to reflect a reader’s query, by way of instance, raises the relevancy of the piece’s material. A name like “The way to select between upselling and cross sell? Can be immediately pertinent to viewers who have asked themselves the exact same question.

Thus, each time you write a headline, then put on your analytic hat and think: what is the subject I must write about? Which are the key ideas? Can I outline them in a couple of sentences? How about in only 1 sentence?

Producing news in your headlines

And after answering these questions, yet another must pop up and up, for certain, this is defintely the most significant: can I produce news with my headline? Obviously you aren’t supposed to compose a TV news variant, but believing this way ought to help keep you on course to write excellent headlines. Because your name is the center of your speech, it moves directly into your reader’s mind. Its message ought to be relevant to your audience.

The headline also needs to be meaningful and intriguing, which means that your reader feels compelled to click on it and follow the connection you are providing. If you write to your business’s blog, you need to aim to consider like a search engine optimization specialist. Your text needs to be readily found when a person searches Google. That’s the reason you have to include a keyword in your headline or title. But you are mainly writing for your audience, right? Keywords are nice to own, but very good content isn’t just about keywords.

content strategy, tekstschrijver Den Haag

Uniqueness is crucial

Being unique is crucial. If your business’s blog readers or the customers you aim through your advertising efforts have seen similar articles everywhere, they are not as inclined to become more interested. The uniqueness of your copy comprises a distinguishing style of composing, exclusive advantages for your viewers, and also an excellent content guarantee. If you understand your subject nicely, if you learn your bit of content, then it ought to be quite easy for you to get those words that produce an exceptional statement. Always ask yourself, Can I keep reading following this headline? If the solution is yes, then a huge portion of your viewers probably will likewise do so. But be honest with yourself and do not cheat.

Be specific with your headlines

Your headline will probably be catchy if you are as specific as you can. Take some inspiration from newspapers and books. Look closely at the names and also at those first paragraphs known as paragraphs. They are extremely unique and tell you that the story in a brief version. use numbers in the event that it is possible, rankings, and identify and then function into your headline only 1 piece of advice you believe the most applicable for your own text.

Useful info

Bear in mind the essential details in your narrative./ Return to your very first copywriting for SEO classes and attempt to anwer the fundamental questions: who, what, shen, where, why and how? These are the main concerns for many excellent copywriters not only for journalists. Attempt to incorporate the response of these on your headline. Let us be frank: Can you read a few craps in case you had a true alternative for this? Why would your followers read poor text? They won’t be certain. Deliver useful info and they will read it.

Power Words

You will find proven energy words that boost conversions by conveying clear reasons to purchase, a powerful emotional appeal and a feeling of urgency, and it may be powerful to include among these in your headlines once you are able to.

Power phrase

A good instance of a high power phrase. Because that lets the reader know they are going to understand the main reason they ought to care. Other high authority words are ‘demonstrated’ particularly in the event that you are able to consist of certain metrics of success reports, and also ‘fast and simple’ (even though the latter may be overused, it will still create attention from the reader). Unsurprisingly, ‘sale’ X- percent away’and first and foremost, ‘free’ are powerful words that are almost sure to entice buyers to your articles, which can subsequently affect their purchasing decisions.

Emotional triggers

A current 2Checkout blogpost shared 22 psychological cuases that will assist you in selling more online regardless of your competitors. A good instance of that is novelty: The neurotransmitter dopmamine is released in our brains once we attempt new things, giving us a sense of pleasure. That is the reason why we love updates, improvements, new features, and fresh inventions. Infuse your headline with a feeling of novelty and your readers will be hooked.

Clients are intrigued by hints of their wonderful benefits they will profit from the product provide them enough of a clue on your headline or name and fascination is very likely to acquire the very best of them, moving them in the direction you won’t them to proceed a sale.


Believe it or not colors can be quite effective triggers impacting your clients’answers; therefore it is very important to keep them in mind when figuring how to communicate your message effectively. A touch in red could communicate electricity and fire; orange is associated with pleasure, positivity and decent health; yellowish with confidence and pleasure, and gloomy with trust and confidence. Use colors to your advantage in your headline to pave the way for clients shopping trip.


In copywriting headlines for SEO creating some feeling of urgency must be another important component that pushes your headline. It has to make the reader have action and act fast. Not tomorrow next week. You need her to click away and read your message instantly. That’s the reason you might mention as an instance, a limited time provide or even a countdown for another event or webinar.

Bullet points

  1. Express a definite advantage and guarantee. That is right; they are mini headlines. They invite the scanning reader to enter the actual meat of your articles or move forward with your own call to action.
  2. Maintain your bullet points symmetrical, when you are able significance: I point each, two lines each, etc.. vIt is easier on the eyes and thus easier on the reader.
  3. Keep away from bullet clutter in any way costs. Don’t get into a comprehensive overview clutter of subtitles, bullets and sub bullets. Bullets are made for clarity, not confusion.
  4. Excersise parallelism. Maintain your bullet collections thermatically related, start each bullet with the exact same part of language and keep exactly the exact grammatical form.
  5. Bear in mind that bullets such as headlines aren’t automatic sentences. If you wish to compose complete paragraphs, then stay with a paragraph or a numbered list.

Utilizing fascinations to captivate readers

Are you interested in my usuage of the phrase fascinations from the subhead above?

Curiosity is a really strong force in copywriting headlines for SEO

It is one of these things which makes us human, and among these things, we will never shake. We just want enticing things we cannot have or do not yet know. And that is what compels people to do it. A fascination describes some copywriting technique in which you make special bullet points so persuasive and so benefit driven the reader simply can’t help but detect the solution.

It is a wonderful technique for:

  • Drawing people back into the copy they skimmed
  • Prompting the download of a free account
  • Causing the click of a connection
  • Driving subscriptions for your blog
  • Triggering purchasing your product
  • Initiating a new customer relationship

The trick of fascination is hanging out the benefit there in a teasing way without really giving away exactly what it is. Among the undisputed kings of fascinations is bottom line, a subscription periodical that guarantees insider advice that make your life simpler. The business launched itself several years back using a sales piece that has been basically nothing but unbelievably persuasive bullet points.

Other blogs of Connect your World

Contact copywriter

Herman Geertsema is the owner of the Online Digital Agency Connect your World from The Hague. He is an experienced SEO specialist in Den Haag. Connect your World execute SEO and Content Marketing projects in the Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Utrecht, Breda and of course in The Hague region. If you need some assistance with copywriting for SEO, please contact us by using the button below. Want to look at a cool fashion brand? Take a look at Dimepiece LA.

SEO copywriting to earn money with it

wat is content marketing, content is king

SEO copywriting

Bear in mind the further writing can affect a client’s earnings the greater it pays. So everyone, these content types are under the umbrella of article promotion or copywriting.

Geschatte leestijd: 7 minutes

1. Long form blog posts or ultimate guides

These types of posts are not flufy 500 word ones written off the surface of your mind, but rather detailed well researched posts over 2000 words in length. Ultimate guides deliver in depth info. They feature all of the information that the reader will need on a topic, all in 1 post.

1.1 Long form SEO content

Long form content includes a conversational and accaccessible writing style. Making complex topics simple to understand is going to be a super power in this nice. You will also need to learn basic search engine optimization approaches to compete. That way you are able to do whatever you can as a writer to assist your own posts rank in search engines like Google.

The very best portion of the content type? Firms have a never ending demand for blogging material, which generates continuing demand. Additionally there is the chance for retainers, Retainers cover you a predetermined sum in return for a fix quantity of blog posts by way of instance like 1200 euros for 4 blog posts a month.

2. E-books

E-books are great marketing tools for both big and small companies. They are utilized to generate leads and also to position the business as a specialist in what they provide. E-books are genrally released as PDF’s and can be everywhere out of 10-20 pages. Like blog posts they will need to present useful data, like how tos on subjects that interest the coorporation’s prospects or clients. E-book pricing fluctuates widely and may range anywhere based upon the customer, business and the quantity of rsearch required. They cover well because they can be crystal magenets to your clients. Most of the time e-books are free in exhange for prospects email addresses. That prospect is then put within an email earnings funnel or will get the organization’s newsletter. The expectation is that through nurturing that direct and forming a connection, the corporation may convert that direct into a paying client.

3. White papers

White papers are for more formal and more serious in tone compared to content such as an e-book or blog post. The may comprise technical info. They are popular in the tech market and therefore are often written for the B2B or business to the business industry. White papers pose an issue, then research alternatives, one of which is going to become your customer’s service or product. They attempt to convince readers without crossing the line into earningsd. They do not immediately sell anything. Rather, they help in the sales process.

3.1 White papers are magnets for emailmarketing

The majority of the data will be provided by your customer, although your interviewing skills will come in handy here in order to find the info, that you want. White papers can vary in duration, although they are typically approximately 5 to 10 pages long. Like e-books they are typically utilized as direct magnets for email lists. As they can result in earnings, they are more rewarding for you as a freelancer.

4. Case studies

Case studies pay nicely since they help drive earnings. They provide social proof by displaying tales of clients success working with the service or product of your customer. They demonstrate that the transformation a client experienced.

The traditional format is:

  • Describe the challenge that the customer confronted
  • Explain the solution that the company supplied
  • Prove the results the client accomplished using the organization’s product or service
  • Supply a decision intended to help prospects make a buying decision.

Case studies may entail interview both your customer anf their clients to receive the best information. All these are long form reviews written in narrative format. These stories will need to be intriguing and supply value to the reader.

5. Email writing

This market sound simple, but it is hard to perform well. You will want to make content that may profit readers focus in direct competition with all the sound in their own email inbox. You are going to require a background in SEO copywriting or at least a strong grasp of copywriting formulas and principles. All thingsconsidered, the principal aim of email would be to market but attentively. You have to engage the reader before trying to sell anything. You can generate email strings or mails for earnings funnels. You will want to take your email subscribers onto a purchaser’s journey from the conssciousness point to purchase on the point at which they make a purchase.

You might also compose email newsletters to your customers. All these keep readers engaged with your clientele and educated about their enterprise. Consistently producing newsletters assist your customers in building trust and relationships with their subscribers. And because your customer will have to comunicate frequently, newsletters could be a superb retainer undertaking.

Content strategy, Landingspagina optimaliseren

6. Sales pages or landing pages

You can write website copy for an organization’s homepage. For their about us page or to get merchandise pages. You might also make the opt-in pages to get direct magnets such as the e-books or white papers we coated. You will write copy made to convert people to clients, for prospects to get or to capture prospects. A challenging type of SEO copywriting is writing copy for webpages, which means you will want to begin with establishing yourself and become a specialist in a subject first.

7. Video script writing

Video is now becoming on e of the top ways for companies to reach prospective clients. Firms need scripts for website video’s in their property pages, their earning pages, or to get merchandise tours. They might also require scripts for webinars, yet another sales tool. Youtube is now a leading search engine and a person must write all that spoken articles. Why not? Companies will need to tell their tales and to make information rich videos to pull prospective clients.

8. Online or e-learning courses

Online courses and online instruction isa field that is booming and so are chances for educational material creators. Particularly in case you have got a background in teaching or know the way people understand, this may be a superb freelance writing gigs for you. Here you will write content for classes. Most classes invlove a mixture of video and text, so be well prepared to write video scripts as part of the SEO copywriting project.

9. Novel writing

As a novel writer you help your customer get their narrative, or the ideas out of their thoughts, and right into a publication. As a ghostwriter you do all of the writing functions, but your title wouldn’t be on the pay. Each of the credits goes to the customer. Additionally the publication has to be in the customer’s voice or style not your own.

10. Conclusion

SEO copywriting works best when you combine multiple content types. It is a well-established fact that many people nowadays prefer moving image instead of written text. Therefore, combine a written text with an infographic or a video on YouTube. That’s the way to turn as many people as possible into real customers.

SEO and Content Marketing Blogs

Contact a SEO specialist

Herman Geertsema, SEO specialist Den Haag. Read more about our SEO services.

Off page SEO, why it is important?

Off Page SEO, SEO Den Haag, SEO optimization

Off Page SEO factors

Why does off page search engine optimization matter?

What’s Off page SEO?

Off page SEO identifies activities taken out of your website to affect your rankings in search engines results pages (SERP’s). Assessing for off site ranking variables entails improving search engine and consumer awareness of a site’s popularity significance, trustworthiness and ability. Other respectable locations can accomplish this on the internet (pages, sites and individuals) linking to or promoting your website and efficiently vouching for the level of your articles.

What is on page SEO?

On-page SEO (Search Engine Optimization) refers to the optimization of individual web pages to improve their visibility and ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs). The goal of on-page SEO is to make your content more relevant and valuable to both users and search engines.

Geschatte leestijd: 24 minutes

While search algorithms and ranking variables (both in On Page- and Off Page SEO) are continiously altering, the overall consensus within the search engine optimization community is the significance, trustworthiness and authority that successful off page SEO affords a website stil play an important function in a page’s capability to rank. While we do not know the entire algorithm Google uses to rank content, info from our search engine ranking factors research reveals theta SEO related facets probably carry more than 50 percent of their ranking variable weight.

Building backlinks is in the center of off page SEO, Search engines uses traffic as signs of their linked to content quality. A site with many high value backlinks will hypically rank greater than on otherwise equivailent site with fewer backlinks. There are three chief kinds of hyperlinks, defined by the way they were earned:

  • Organic backlinks
  • Natural backlinks
  • Manually constructed hyperlinks or self created links

Natural hyperlinks are editorially given with no activity on the part of a webpage owner. By way of instance, a food blogger including a hyperlink to a place that counts toward their favorite create farms is a link.

Manual constructed hyperlinks are obtained through deliberate linkbuilding persuits. These help clients to connect to a website or requesting influencers to discuss your own content.

Self created backlinks are made by practices like incorporating a backlink in an internet directory, forum, blog, comment signature or even a media launch with optimized anchor text. Some self created linkbuilding approaches tend toward black hat SEO and are relied upon by search engines, so tread softly here.

SEO linkbuilding strategy

Irrespective of how connections were obtained. The ones that provide the best contribution to SEO campaigns are generally the ones that pass the maximum equity passed, for example:

  1. The linking site’s popularity
  2. How related the linking site’s subject is to the site being connected to
  3. The freshness of this connection
  4. Anchor text found on the linking site
  5. The number of different links on the linking webpage
  6. Authority of the linking Google name and webpage

While getting links from outside websites is your most commonly practiced off page SEO strategy, just about any action it happens outside your own website and help imrove your search ranking position may be considered as off page SEO. These include things such as:

  • Social media marketing
  • Client blogging
  • Linked and unlinked brand cites
  • Influencer marketing

It is important to notice, though the net effect of every one of these actions is to create a reference to your site from elsewhere on the net, make sure that mention a connection, a reference of your new website, or differently. So the idea of genuinely on link related off page SEO is really a small misnomer.

A note about off page SEO

Off page SEO depends on individual behavior. Therefore it applies to both local SEO and organic SEO. In a brick and mortar company, high quality products receive many word of mouth referrals from current clients, that the in house equivalent of off page SEO.

The way to do off page SEO

On a top level, improving the off page SEO of a website entails improving search engine and consumer awareness of a site’s quality. This occurs by getting links from other sites, mentions of your news, stocks of your articles and levels of confidence from sources out your own website.

Off site SEO techniques to generate organic traffic

If you would like to raise true brand awareness and drive enormous organic traffic to your website, then you need some really effective off page SEO practices. There is little clear cut and beneficial content across the internet on what exactly digital marketers will need to focus most of their knowledge, resources and time on to drive organic traffic to their site from an off site SEO point of view. That’s why we should write a complete off page SEO techniques checklist hoping it will help in your electronic marketing endeavors.

Most consumers hunts are made for two reasons: locating info (informational query) or locating information and buying (commercial question). You need both types of consumers – the ones who seek advice and their individuals who wish to by because the case is a win-win situation: you will either convert them into clients or win yourself some long term subscribers. It is time you knew the off site search engin optimization approaches by their name: hence we crafted and put together a full record of everything you should aim at in your search engine optimization endeavors.

List of Off page SEO factors

  • Linkbuilding is king
  • Harness that social media power
  • Add on RSS Feed Subscription Box
  • Do not shy from blog commenting
  • Guest posting is still hot
  • Forums posting can be a thing
  • Build trust
  • Contain pictures and videos
  • Build relationships
  • Be present on the internet
  • Craft a sparkling brand image
  • Document sharing is goof for you
  • PR promo game

Off site SEO tour

Before we can even even speak about off page SEO, we should revise our knowledge on what SEO is in the first place. Though this may sound redundant (after all this is how you landed on our website, already knowing what SEO is and its very workings) we shall draw a quick picture of exactly what SEO means today. SEO stands for the whole cumulus of search advertising efforts meant to make websites and online presence stand out both in search engines like Google and consumer’s eyes. SEO should create your brand glow in a sea of different brands. All fighting to get among the first place in SERP’s. Furthermore, it seeks to satisfy users need for high quality, fresh relevant and useful details.

What’s SEO?

SEO is an exclusive and entirely different language utilized by webmasters and marketers to communicate with all the search engines. It is a language bridge between robots and humans in the event that you will. SEO stay for credibility, friendliness, authenticity, transparency, quality, equity, variety, optimization and much more. Additionally SEO is divided into off page – and on page SEO.

On page SEO techniques

On page SEO techniques may refer to loads of practices and things, and it comprises.

  1. Optimized names and snippets
  2. Search friendly URL constructions
  3. Friendly navigation
  4. Breadcrumbs
  5. User sitemaps
  6. Internal hyperlinks
  7. Text formatting
  8. SEO mobile optimized pages
  9. High quality fresh SEO content
  10. Image optimization
  11. Picture size
  12. Proper picture names
  13. Alt tekst
  14. Outside links, not broken links

Off page SEO describes optimization activities you can perform beyond the boundaries of your website. Anything happening outside of your website and contributing to a ranking is deemed off site SEO: social networking marketing, influencer marketing, mentions (indirect or direct), guest blogging, so forth so on.

Off site SEO

This type of search engine optimization gives search engines a glimpse about how people and digital entities accross the planet and the internet examine your website’s general capabilities. Off page SEO rhymes with words such as connection building or promotion activities, however the whole thing is not just about hyperlinks, but about a good deal more. We will expand on it a bit in the future. In order to make your site trustworthy, authentic, relevant and popular you have to deploy better off page SEO techniques. The benefits achieved by good off page SEO tactics are multiple. You could increase rankings, increase in Pagerank, more visits, more social media mentions and more visibility.

On site SEO is active doing, whilst off page is somehow passive, as it comes after you have worked hard to provide quality and uniqueness. What happens on off page in terms of outcome is much more significant and valuable than what’s on page. Having truly rich fresh content and a user friendly website but no following, enjoys, share mentions or links accross the net, is nosense anf futile.

Start with on page SEO before jump into off page SEO

But the on page SEO greatly influences the future of off page SEO. This is the reason why the final result has to be thought about before starting an action, not after you have already done it. Begin with search engine and then jump into off page SEO. Search engines may alter the way their algorithms work, or SEO ranking factors might change to fresh ones or stick to a new sequence but off site SEO will still matter. Because companies need pilers up from subscribers, as well as linking fellows. The user perception of your site’s quality and worth is of paramount importance for you. To win them is necessary to build the best product in the market and therefore the off page SEO would obviously do the work – folks could talk about you because they are already converted or drown to you.

Off page SEO checklist

Off page SEO, Linkbuilding Den Haag, SEO linkbuilding

1. Linkbuilding is king

Build and chase quality backlinks. That’s the first and most crucial thing to remember about hyperlinks. In accordance with our SEO terms glossary, No follow is an attribute webmasters can use when linking to a website that tells search engines to dismiss the hyperlink essentially. Social networks are renowned for utilizing no follow backlinks when connecting to outside websites. Links with the no follow attribute are referred to as nofollow. If you are wondering what impact do nofollow backlinks on your website, here are some actionable data and suggestions all backed up by case studies and Google’s position in this matter.

SEO linkbuilding

Linkbuilding has become the most popular marketing technique deployed by online marketing professionals all around the world. It is the most desirable outcome of – ok to some extent. Although Google suggests that articles are the number one ranking variable. It is so significant that the masses often prefer it within the principle of crafting and providing fresh quality SEO content. However content is still contributing a lot to your linking approach.

Bad linkbuilding

Backlinks to your website underline a general appreciation of your own brand. The same linkbuilding effort led to the growth of what’s known today as black hat SEO. At times people are so desperate to assemble backlinks they begin playing with fire and execute the following forum, signatures, enroll your website in content directories, link exchange schemes, link networks, blogs, directories, comment link and so on.

Black Hat SEO, Off page SEO

Black hat SEO

You will find things which produce a speaking Google, hence a connection, beneficial or not, and this are: popularity, subject match between the two Google tieds by means of a link. (is the connection related?), anchor text, connect freshness, website trustworthiness, Google authority (DA) and page authority (PA) and no.

  1. Natural hyperlinks: A user/customer/reader understands the content on your webpage and has a positive view over your providers and hyperlinks to your organization for an indication of trust, appreciation and acceptance
  2. Manually assemble links: Gained through direct linkbuilding efforts; wilfully asking customers to connect to your product or influencers to discuss your articles
  3. Self created links: Whenever posting your website link in comments. Publish comment signature or from web directories, forums, press releases etc..

Natural Linkbuilding

The most intelligent action would be practice natural linkbuilding. The best way to do so is to maken your content worthy of hyperlinks and links will come naturally. Guesty blogging can be also a good idea but be careful not to overlink your website and make your participation more spammy than useful. Additionally build your backlinks at a regular conventional rate. If you will, which can be slow or else Google will believe your are doing some SEO black hat magic.

SEO linkbuilding strategy

Linkbuilding ought to be about quality, not quantity. Many electronic marketers or businesses tend to overlook that. Go for the high quality backlinks. But don’t let this keep you from linking to and obtaining links from younger or smaller online marketing professionals and brands, provided that the Google names are great and related to your niche. They have to meet the additional requirements: quality, correct text and keywords, inbound numbers and others I have mentioned previously. In the long run you should have the best of both worlds. And you should aim that, even once you believe that your comapny is in a dull niche and there is not much you can perform on your website.

The very best links are those that pass the maximum link juice. That is what your brand needs. And it does not even have to be thirsty. Additionally page authority and general Google trust is a really clear indicator of a site’s standing and overall SEO strategies. Google is not solely interested in backlinks, but in their own impact on the online environment and on your own website as well.


Tremendous Googles like Wikipedia do wonders for your own brand, when obtaining an inbound link. Today’s lesson, try getting backlinks and out of enormous link aggregators like Wikepedia, that is unquestionably a whitehat SEO move. On that exact same note, inbound links from non profit (.org) or schooling (.edu) or official (.gov) sites are especially strong. These are enormous googles offering exceptionally high quality links and pass some alluring hyperlink juice and authority to your webpage. To look at your inbound links, you need to try out a connection analysis tool like Site Explorer and determine what, from where, and which type of links you have from overseas. Analyze your connection profile and determine what pages provide the most connect juice.

Familiarize yourzelf with broken linkbuilding. Revive those pages or produce a smashing 404 page with links to other internal pages. Additionally whenever assessing your connection profile, check your website for damaging backlinks, like mature sites referring to you personally or malware Google names sending an URL to your website. You can check it by employing the above application – Site Explorer.

Anchor text

Also check the anchor texts. Often they happen to not be very relevant to your page topic and can easily mislead Google informing a comment on your content. Not until lately, I myself understood that anchor tests truly matter and they are a clear indication of the connection between your page and the linked one. Hence, I began to pay more attention to the words that I add the outbound link.

Never underestimate the magic and strength of competitor backlink research. Search where your competitors obtain links from and goal the same sources too. This is easy to find if you have any search engine optimization tool accessible, one that does backlink analysis. Suppose you would like to master this art of white hat espionage. In that case, you could keep reading this blog supplying a complete framework to examine your competitors, learn their best kept secrets, and do it like a professional.

2. Harness that social media power

Social signals may matter to Google when ranking a page. You have to acquire your audience in order to make Google like you and rank you high. Notably when mentions of your brand can rely on as hyperlinks, as we mentioned.

Be responsive

People are certain to talk about you when they are satisfied with your services, when someone asks for a recommendation or opinions from friends, or when they are unhappy with your merchandise. In any event, be sensitive and participate with your following. Customer service can be performed across all stations be they online or offline on your support page or on interpersonnal media channels.

Befriend the big brothers

There are a great number of though leaders, influencers, renowned professionals, or just skillful group admins that will lend you a very useful hand in spreading the word on your own brand. One by sharing articles or mentioning one, two by following you, or three by simply affecting your self development for a businessman or marketer in the speciality build connections with social media professionals and allow them to shape you by choosing what’s good from them, and learning what is better to avoid.

Monitor your online reputation

New mentions are a precious asset to your business, so treat them so. As already highlighted before, new mentions do count as hyperlinks in Google’s search search algorithms. Fetch a trusted brand monitoring tool and see who cited you across sociale media channels what exactly they say about you, and use this opportunity to get in contact and win them as your clients or further customers.

3. Add on RSS Feed Subscription Box

It is better to have fewer subscribers who see your site regularly than a multitude of one time traffic. That’s why all more or less reputable blogs and brands provide an RSS subscription box on their walls. RSS is short for rich site summary. And I believe that says everything. Subscription boxes make page information available in XML format. People are drawn to the trigger word register and leave their email address to receive information without proactively searching it on the web. By employing this type of contact type, you do not just enhance your contact and contributor agenda but also have an intrigued receiver whom you are able to send and communicate your company updates news, blog post etc… You can opt for this Goofle Feedburner.

Many days users are happy to benefit from continuous rich info, information and information without needing to manually look up them and rather satisfied when getting them by e-mail in the comfort of their home or work offices. And since you might be also searching for some high quality advertising newsletters to subscribe to, we crafted one already, so you won’t have to obey it.

4. Do not shy from blog commenting

You can find minds that assert that it is a bit delicate to recommended as it could easily become a black hat clinic. Blog commenting is an excellent off site SEO action that drives organic visitors to your website and SERP ranking. There are tons of informative articles on the internet on how to conduct blog commenting and whatever you need to understand properly is one click away. Give your insight on subjects and draw attention to you, but do not excersise comment signature. Indicate your brand inside the body of useful and relevant tips, and make its appearance relevant there.

5. Guest posting

Similar to blog commenting, you need to define your motives for contributing in such away from the very beginning. Most guest suites come to advertise their company or product and can sometimes turn into a spammy and bothersome reading. Be honest and make giving actioable, fresh and pertinent info your initial concern. Not the links to your website. Write guest posts from time to time not only helps you construct quality backlinks and trigger more organic visitors to your website, but also something else. It’s true you disploy expert conduct by composing on your personal blog and contributing to other people. You will find brands that prefer to flirt with understanding coming from other professionals in the area, although that occurs quite seldom. And that’s one of those times when you have to choose your men sensibly.

6. Forums posting can be a thing

Forums are a terrific place to publicize your website, which is obviously part of off page SEO techniques. Quora, Reddit, Yahoo Answers are the most important hubs from where you can gain a lot of actionable information and authentic answers to their questions. Forums are a great playground for meeting your peers and have a chat with them on topics of interest for you. Very similar to site commenting or guest blogging. It is very good to mention that your brand, but prevent performing it bluntly. First offer some actionable information on this particular topic and then if applicable fit your manugacturer between the lines. All these Q&A platforms are true gold mines but they have to be won first, by using the right words, tone and design when posting a donation. Make it relevant and transparent.

7. Build Trust

It is natural that off site SEO includes trust as well. After all that is the way you get your social websites or client votes. Transparency is one of the must haves in helping trust be constructed. Post useful content and do not try to fool your readers with catchy titles and zero quality SEO content. That is definitely not how you build traffic.

Page authority and Google authority

Page authority (PA) and Google authority (DA) are two major indicators of how search engines see your website. It is like having your whole life in front of your eyes. You should assess your PA and DA and your inbound links ones using an internet site explorer application.

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)

SSL is that setup that makes your own website’s connection with the consumer be safe. This sort of connection is making certain that data passed between the web server and the browsers remain confidential and unharmed. Users expect a site when they see that their data is secured by this encrypted link when entering private information such as credit card numbers, usernames, paawords or any other sensitive details.

Google reviews

One approach to construct and check your customers confidence is to make sure to receive company reviews. You may begin with asking your present customers to check your rating segment and leave a donation there. It is important to let them know how and why it is important that you need their opinion in your providers, all voiced and posted publicly. The more customers you are going to have, the more reviews you should receive. Especially if you are having a Facebook page in which people may stay up to date about and linked to your small business and leave reviews.

Yet reviews ask for fast responses from you. Nevertheless positive or negative they would be. Commit to visit your review section frequently and leave comments. Your customers need to see you are a live individual who doesn’t shy from threating their customers with respect and appreciation.

8. Social media

Getting back to our sheep. Heart pages such as Pinterest, Youtube have enormous PageRank and hope, hence you need to join them and connect your company together using their stage to place things about your goods. Contemplating their sharing and likes and thumbs you are going to get brand recognition through stocks and enjoys. Additionally the hyperlinks you get from YouTube videos and their meta description are incredibly favorable and help you improve your off page SEO. Last but not least, do not overlook optimizing your uploaded file names, file names description segments, size and hyperlinks. SEO functions in such markets too.

9. Construct relationships

Although previously mentioned you need to create buddies one of those you respect and whose measures you would like to follow in your own career. Although with rather a hectic schedule, they are usually eager to direct, inspire and assist. Start linking with them, impress them enough to create them discuss your articles and you have won yourself a few excellent connections. But beware, you must be certain that you don’t forget them in time.

10 Be present on the internet

Coca Cola en MC Donalds are everywhere. There are more individuals who have heard of them who heard of a camera, let us say. And that is because their advertising and marketing approaches are unbeatable. They understand how to tackle all clients segments, meet all lovers and provide tasty and inexpensive food or useful tools. Well done off page SEO techniques increase brand recognition and authority. Be current, live this moment to turn your fresh heart. Consider easy to understand approaches to convey your brand your customers and bring them quality solutions. Make them feel unique. Find out how to speak with all client segments, or at least define your target audience rather than drifting around in the advertising spece with no hint at all.

11. Craft a sparkling brand picture

Nobody needs more of the identical thing. Think what individuals need most and do not get grab the chance and send. This is how you will leave clients memory of you, of your own uniqueness and usefulness and of your own greatness. Only look of Buzzfeed. They get ten times more focus when submitting a thing than a random advertising brand does. Since they understood the way to excell their way in a universe filled with hints, recipes and did you know and stand out, though the economy was saturated. Additionally they understood how to tackle different and various customer segments.

12. Document sharing is good for you

By sharing articles regarding your brand on additional platforms you will have the ability to rank for keywords your site would not otherwise have the ability to compete for a variety of reasons such as the contest is too powerfull. If you believe that your content item will serve others attention, upload files to doc sharing sites like ScribD, Academia and Slideshare. Heal the files like a conventional piece of content do keyword study and completely optimize them: names, file, title, transscripts. Put effective call to action and hyperlinks back to your own website whenever applicable and potential.

The advantage of getting files posted on these platforms is that search engines can not crawl PDF’s and Powerpoint files but those sites make tem readable. Additionally you simply borrow some hyperlink juice for your website which can be again amazing. Comparable to written docs, craft, videos and podcasts on your own to brand subject then upload them to SoundCloud, Youtube using a transscript. The transcript is the place you can help search engine crawlers to bulge into your articles way simpler. That is SEO Optimization.

13. PR Promo Game

The further you go out from the world the more you understand and the more you are going to become known. practice the custom of bringing the public attention, host and give interviews and gain your influencers market for your brand also. get observable and you are going to get noticed.

Whenever deploying product upgrades or having something important to convey, do media releases. By calling and keeping a fantastic relationship with outlets and journalists within the speciality you are going to assist your brand reach to more client segments and get your message noticed.

Press releases, interviews and each of these sorts of contributions are a brand new opportunity to work out your SEO and articles advertising abilities and optimize the articles so that search engines will rank them high in the SERP’s.

Connect your World is een digital agency in Den Haag. The owner is Herman Geertsema, SEO specialist Den Haag. Please press the button below, if you need an whole SEO strategy. Read more about our SEO services.

Duplicated content – The effect on SEO

Duplicated content is one of the most used On Page SEO strategies on the internet. There are a ton of ways that you can improve your site’s page positioning in search engines like Google. Lamentably not every one of them is acceptable. A few groups utilize certain techniques in getting a high page rank in search engines. Regardless of whether these are viewed as beguiling as in they are intended to deceive the search engines. One of these strategies is copying web content.

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What is duplicated content?

Copy content in SEO is in reality any web content that is viewed as like another site. Search engines have executed new channels explicitly to screen these sorts of tricky endeavors to improve the site’s search engine page rankings in Google. Many indivviduals feel that by making numerous however comparable reproductions of their site pages or substance that they will want to improve their site’s page rankings since they will want to get different postings for their site. Since search engines are currently observing these kinds of cunning, sites utilizing copy substance can wind up getting restricted from search engine records as opposed to improving their positioning.

How much duplicate content is acceptable?

Acceptable levels of duplicate content vary by context, but generally, minimal duplication is preferred. For SEO purposes, keeping duplicate content below 20-30% of a page’s content is advisable, with the use of canonical tags to manage necessary duplicates. In academic and professional writing, strict originality is expected, with similarity indexes ideally below 10-15%. Content syndication should involve proper attribution and focus on original or significantly modified content. Overall, striving for originality helps maintain credibility, legal compliance, and optimal search engine rankings.

What is considered duplicate content by Google?

Google considers duplicate content as substantial blocks of text that appear across multiple domains or within the same domain and are either completely identical or significantly similar. This includes content that is intentionally or unintentionally replicated across different web pages. Common examples are product descriptions on e-commerce sites, syndicated content, and printer-only versions of web pages. Google does not penalize sites for minor instances of duplication but may rank them lower if the duplicated content appears manipulative or if it creates a poor user experience. To manage duplicate content, Google recommends using canonical tags, setting up 301 redirects, and employing the “noindex” tag for pages that should not be indexed.

duplicated content, SEO specialist Den Haag

What is considered duplicated content?

There two or three copy content sorts that are in effect wildly used by many individuals, everyone somewhat unique in their utilization, yet every one of them utilized for a similar reason, which is to deceive search engines like Google to improve page rankings.

Method 1

One method of getting a copy content is by having fundamentally the same as websites or indistinguishable site pages on various sub area’s or spaces that offer essentially a similar substance. This may incorporate landing or entryway pages besides the substance, so ensure that you try not to utilize this if you don’t need your site to get helpless against search engines copy content channel.

Method 2

Another strategy for making copy content is by basically taking substance fromanother website or page and redesigning it to cause it to seem not at all like its unqiue structure; however it is something very similar.

E-commerce websites

Item portrayals from numerous e-commerce sites are being used by different websites also. Different websites just duplicate the item depiction of makers used by other serious business sectors also. What’s more, add the way that the item name, just as the name of craftsman, producer, author or maker would be incorporated, a lot of substance would appear on your page. Albeit this is a lot harder to spot. It is as yet viewed as a copy substance or spam.

Dispersion of replicated articles by different sites other than the one that appropriated the first article can likewise be viewed as duplicated content. Tragically, albeit some search engines consider the site where the first article came from as pertinent, a few, in any don’t.

duplicated content, SEO specialist Den Haag

How do search engines channel copy content?

Search engines channel for copy content by utilizing similar methods for examining and ordering page positioning for sites and that is using crawlers or robots. These robots or crawlers go through various websites and list these sites by perusing and saving data to their information base. Whenever this is done, these robots at that point dissects and thinks about all the data it has taken from one website to all the others that it has visited by utilizing certain calculations to decide whether the site’s substance is applicable and if it tends to be considered as a copy substance or spam.

How to stay away from duplicated content?

Even though you might not have any expectations to attempt to beguille search engines to improve your site’s page positioning, your site may in any case get hailed as having copy content. One way that you can evade this from happening is by by checking your self if there are copy substances on your page. Simple ensure that you dodge an excess of likenesses whith another page’s substance for this can in any case show up as copy substance to certain channels, regardless of whether it isn’t viewed as spam.

Does duplicated content still hurt your SEO optimalisation in 2024?

According to Mozz: Duplicated content is technical not a penalty. However duplicated content can still have an impact on Google rankings. Because duplicate content is worse for two reasons: With multiple versions of content available, it’s difficult for search engines like Google and Bing to determine which one to index, and show in their search results. This reduces performance for all versions, since they’re competing against each other.

SEO and Content Marketing Blogs

SEO consultant The Hague

Herman Geertsema is the owner of SEO en Content Marketing Agency Connect your World from The Hague. He is an experienced SEO specialist and Content marketing expert. Digital agency Connect your World operates in the Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Utrecht, Breda region and The Hague. Do you have any question about SEO Optimalization or Contentmarketing? Or do you want to hire me as a SEO specialist? Please press on the button below and talk about a SEO strategy for your website.

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