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SEO copywriting to earn money with it

SEO copywriting to earn money with it

Last Updated on 9 May 2024 by connectyourworld

wat is content marketing, content is king

SEO copywriting

Bear in mind the further writing can affect a client’s earnings the greater it pays. So everyone, these content types are under the umbrella of article promotion or copywriting.

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1. Long form blog posts or ultimate guides

These types of posts are not flufy 500 word ones written off the surface of your mind, but rather detailed well researched posts over 2000 words in length. Ultimate guides deliver in depth info. They feature all of the information that the reader will need on a topic, all in 1 post.

1.1 Long form SEO content

Long form content includes a conversational and accaccessible writing style. Making complex topics simple to understand is going to be a super power in this nice. You will also need to learn basic search engine optimization approaches to compete. That way you are able to do whatever you can as a writer to assist your own posts rank in search engines like Google.

The very best portion of the content type? Firms have a never ending demand for blogging material, which generates continuing demand. Additionally there is the chance for retainers, Retainers cover you a predetermined sum in return for a fix quantity of blog posts by way of instance like 1200 euros for 4 blog posts a month.

2. E-books

E-books are great marketing tools for both big and small companies. They are utilized to generate leads and also to position the business as a specialist in what they provide. E-books are genrally released as PDF’s and can be everywhere out of 10-20 pages. Like blog posts they will need to present useful data, like how tos on subjects that interest the coorporation’s prospects or clients. E-book pricing fluctuates widely and may range anywhere based upon the customer, business and the quantity of rsearch required. They cover well because they can be crystal magenets to your clients. Most of the time e-books are free in exhange for prospects email addresses. That prospect is then put within an email earnings funnel or will get the organization’s newsletter. The expectation is that through nurturing that direct and forming a connection, the corporation may convert that direct into a paying client.

3. White papers

White papers are for more formal and more serious in tone compared to content such as an e-book or blog post. The may comprise technical info. They are popular in the tech market and therefore are often written for the B2B or business to the business industry. White papers pose an issue, then research alternatives, one of which is going to become your customer’s service or product. They attempt to convince readers without crossing the line into earningsd. They do not immediately sell anything. Rather, they help in the sales process.

3.1 White papers are magnets for emailmarketing

The majority of the data will be provided by your customer, although your interviewing skills will come in handy here in order to find the info, that you want. White papers can vary in duration, although they are typically approximately 5 to 10 pages long. Like e-books they are typically utilized as direct magnets for email lists. As they can result in earnings, they are more rewarding for you as a freelancer.

4. Case studies

Case studies pay nicely since they help drive earnings. They provide social proof by displaying tales of clients success working with the service or product of your customer. They demonstrate that the transformation a client experienced.

The traditional format is:

  • Describe the challenge that the customer confronted
  • Explain the solution that the company supplied
  • Prove the results the client accomplished using the organization’s product or service
  • Supply a decision intended to help prospects make a buying decision.

Case studies may entail interview both your customer anf their clients to receive the best information. All these are long form reviews written in narrative format. These stories will need to be intriguing and supply value to the reader.

5. Email writing

This market sound simple, but it is hard to perform well. You will want to make content that may profit readers focus in direct competition with all the sound in their own email inbox. You are going to require a background in SEO copywriting or at least a strong grasp of copywriting formulas and principles. All thingsconsidered, the principal aim of email would be to market but attentively. You have to engage the reader before trying to sell anything. You can generate email strings or mails for earnings funnels. You will want to take your email subscribers onto a purchaser’s journey from the conssciousness point to purchase on the point at which they make a purchase.

You might also compose email newsletters to your customers. All these keep readers engaged with your clientele and educated about their enterprise. Consistently producing newsletters assist your customers in building trust and relationships with their subscribers. And because your customer will have to comunicate frequently, newsletters could be a superb retainer undertaking.

Content strategy, Landingspagina optimaliseren

6. Sales pages or landing pages

You can write website copy for an organization’s homepage. For their about us page or to get merchandise pages. You might also make the opt-in pages to get direct magnets such as the e-books or white papers we coated. You will write copy made to convert people to clients, for prospects to get or to capture prospects. A challenging type of SEO copywriting is writing copy for webpages, which means you will want to begin with establishing yourself and become a specialist in a subject first.

7. Video script writing

Video is now becoming on e of the top ways for companies to reach prospective clients. Firms need scripts for website video’s in their property pages, their earning pages, or to get merchandise tours. They might also require scripts for webinars, yet another sales tool. Youtube is now a leading search engine and a person must write all that spoken articles. Why not? Companies will need to tell their tales and to make information rich videos to pull prospective clients.

8. Online or e-learning courses

Online courses and online instruction isa field that is booming and so are chances for educational material creators. Particularly in case you have got a background in teaching or know the way people understand, this may be a superb freelance writing gigs for you. Here you will write content for classes. Most classes invlove a mixture of video and text, so be well prepared to write video scripts as part of the SEO copywriting project.

9. Novel writing

As a novel writer you help your customer get their narrative, or the ideas out of their thoughts, and right into a publication. As a ghostwriter you do all of the writing functions, but your title wouldn’t be on the pay. Each of the credits goes to the customer. Additionally the publication has to be in the customer’s voice or style not your own.

10. Conclusion

SEO copywriting works best when you combine multiple content types. It is a well-established fact that many people nowadays prefer moving image instead of written text. Therefore, combine a written text with an infographic or a video on YouTube. That’s the way to turn as many people as possible into real customers.

SEO and Content Marketing Blogs

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Herman Geertsema, SEO specialist Den Haag. Read more about our SEO services.


Herman Geertsema is een zeer ervaren freelance SEO specialist met meer dan 10 jaar ervaring. Daarnaast is hij al meer dan 20 jaar werkzaam als content marketeer. Om zich verder te specialiseren heeft hij een HBO opleiding Internetmanagement en Webdesign succesvol afgerond. In online projecten kan Herman ook de rol van projectmanager/scrummaster op zich nemen, aangezien hij Scrum gecertificeerd is. In 2018 kwam Herman zijn droom uit en startte hij zijn eigen SEO en Content Marketing bureau Connect your World in Den Haag. Inmiddels bestaat Connect your World ruim 5 jaar waarin hij (MKB) bedrijven helpt met het verbeteren van hun online zichtbaarheid om zo een hogere omzet en meer winst te behalen. Naast zijn uitgebreide kennis van On en Off Page SEO, Technische SEO, lokale SEO en het schrijven van webteksten is Herman ook een strategisch sparringpartner. Bij Connect your World houden wij van ambitieuze doelstellingen. Bent u na 6 maanden niet tevreden dan krijgt u 300 Euro retour. Connect your World houdt niet van het ‘uurtje factuurtje’ principe. Klanten noemen ons betrouwbaar en goed bereikbaar. We zijn inmiddels groot geworden door klein te blijven. Kijk voor meer informatie op https://connectyourworld.nl of neem contact op via info@connectyourworld.nl of tel 06-41226543 Met vriendelijke groet, Herman Geertsema, SEO specialist Den Haag

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